新政策 New Policy


Taking into consideration factors such as the situation in which an increasing number of people depart from Japan, the Immigration Services Agency of Japan will take measures to encourage foreigners to whom a special visa status is granted to return home depending on the period of stay they currently hold, as follows:

① 在留期限截至6月29日的外国人

a)以“特定活动(6个月)”等在留的人员:-> “特定活动(4个月)”
b)以“短期滞在(90天)”在留的人员:-> “短期滞在(90天)”

a) Those who stay in Japan for “Designated Activities (6 months),” etc.: -> “Designated Activities (4 months)”

b) Those who stay in Japan for “Temporary Visitor (90 days)”: -> “Temporary Visitor (90 days)”


② 在留期限在6月30日之后的外国人

a)以“特定活动(6个月)”等在留的人员:-> “特定活动(4个月)”
b)以“短期滞在(90天)”在留的人员:-> “短期滞在(90天)”

a) Those who stay in Japan for “Designated Activities (6 months),” etc.: -> “Designated Activities (4 months)”

b) Those who stay in Japan for “Temporary Visitor (90 days)”: -> “Temporary Visitor (90 days)”


Permission for residence due to difficulty in returning home is given only on this occasion. Preparations for returning home should be made within the period permitted on this occasion. If the period of stay permitted as specified above expires, extension of the permitted period of stay will not be allowed. 

③ 以回国困难为由新提出在留申请的外国人


The measure taken “only on this occasion” as specified in Section (2) above will be allowed only if the permitted period of stay based on the currently held visa status expires by November 1, 2022.


在留时间在2022年11月2日之后的外国人,不允许以难以归国困难为由,将其在留资格改为 “特定活动 “或 “短期滞在”签证。


