Support for foreign students studying in Japan to obtain a HSP visa【留学生応援キャンペーン】留学→高度専門職(HSP)取得支援
- Campaign to support newly employed foregin students 新社会人になる留学生支援キャンペーン 從未試過咁平!
- Campaign to support foreign students to obtain a HSP visa 留学生の高度専門職ビザ取得支援 キャンペーン
- Campaign details キャンペーン内容:
- Advantages of obtaining an HSP visa for foreign students 留学生が高度専門職ビザ取得するメリット
- Shortcut to permanent residency 永住への近道
- 高度専門職ビザなら If you obtain a HSP visa,
- 在留資格「高度専門職1号ロ」(高度人材) “HSP” visa : What is the Japanese “Highly Skilled Professional” (HSP) Visa?
- Service Description サービス内容
- 注意事項及び適用条件 Notes and conditions of application:
- Benefits of choosing our office 当事務所を選ぶメリット
- What is the content of the HSP visa consulting service of Yokoyama Office? 行政書士横山国際法務事務所のサービス内容
- Contact us! まずは、ご相談ください
Campaign to support newly employed foregin students
留学生の高度専門職(高度人材)ビザ取得支援 キャンペーン
is supporting foreign students who will enter the workforce the next spring.
We are holding a campaign to support foreign students to obtain a Highly Skilled Professional (HSP) visa !
Campaign to support foreign students to obtain a HSP visa
留学生の高度専門職ビザ取得支援 キャンペーン
留学ビザ 又は 特定活動(就職活動)ビザ をお持ちの方。
Applicants: Foreign students who have graduated or completed their studies at a Japanese university (postgraduate school) and have an unofficial job offer.
Holders of a “Student” visa or “Designated Activities (for job hunting)” visa.
*Excluding those who already have a work visa (“Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services”, etc.) and are currently working. Excludes those who have started a business, established a company and applied for HSP1(c).
Campaign details キャンペーン内容:
「高度専門職1号ロ」/「1号イ」 変更許可申請
通常料金 88,000円(税込)
特別価格 44,000円(税込)
Special price: ¥ 44,000 (incl. tax),
50% off the normal fee of ¥ 88,000 (incl. tax)
for an application for Status change “Highly Skilled Professional (i) (b)” or “-(a)” visa!
Advantages of obtaining an HSP visa for foreign students
Shortcut to permanent residency 永住への近道
One of the requirements for applying for permanent residence is that;
the applicant must have lived in Japan continuously for at least 10 years and have had a work visa for at least five years.
This is a requirement for staying in Japan.
In the case of foreign students, the more highly educated they are, the longer they have been a student, the more likely they are to be able to find a job, therefore, it is not possible to apply for a PR after 10 years.
As shown in the diagram below, after completing a master’s degree (7 years), The chart below shows that it takes a total of 12 years to apply for PR: after completing a master’s degree (7 years), you need 5 years to obtain a work visa.

永住申請に必要な年数 Number of years required to apply for permanent residence.
高度専門職ビザなら If you obtain a HSP visa,
However, if you obtain a HSP visa immediately after graduation, the five-year working requirement when applying for permanent residence is relaxed.
Specifically, if you score between 70 and 75 points on the Highly skilled professional points table, you can apply for permanent residence in three years; and if you score 80 or more points on the Highly skilled professional points table, you can apply for permanent residence in one year, so
7 years of study in Japan + 1 year of work → 8 years in total;
7 years of study in Japan + 3 years of work → 10 years in total;
then, you can apply for the PR visa status in Japan.
For highly educated foreign students, the benefits of obtaining an HSP visa are significant.
“HSP” visa : What is the Japanese “Highly Skilled Professional” (HSP) Visa?
手続きの種類 Type of procedure | 手数料 Our fee |
一般の就労ビザからの変更 Change HSP visa from a normal work visa | ¥88,000~ +実費 actual cost |
留学からの変更 Change HSP visa from Student visa | ¥44,000 +実費 actual cost 從未試過咁平! |
高度人材の転職 Changing jobs as an HSP | ¥88,000~ +実費 actual cost |
Service Description サービス内容
- 行政書士による中国語/英語による総合コンサルティング
- WeChat(微信)、メールでの相談
- お客様の状況に応じた提出書類の確定及び一覧表の作成
- 申請書の作成
- 理由書又は行政書士の意見書の作成
- 中国語又は英語の提出書類の翻訳
- 申請書を含む添付書類の提出前点検
- 日本全国の入国管理局への申請提出代行
- 入国管理局からの追加提出資料要求等の対応
- 審査状況の進捗確認
- 入管局への在留カードの受領代行
※官公署の書類取得代行、不許可の場合の再申請サポート は、別途追加料金が発生します。
The Plan includes the following service content.
- Comprehensive consulting in Chinese/English by a Gyoseishoshi lawyer
- Consultation via WeChat or email
- Determination of documents to be submitted and preparation of lists according to the applicant’s situation
- Preparation of application forms
- Preparation of statement of reasons or Gyoseishishi lawyer’s opinion letter
- Translation of submitted documents in Chinese or English
- Pre-submission inspection of attached documents including application forms
- Submission of applications to immigration bureaus throughout Japan on behalf of the customer
- Response to requests from the Immigration Bureau for additional documents to be submitted, etc.
- Confirmation of progress of examination status
- Receipt of residence cards to immigration bureaus on behalf of the applicant
*Additional fees will be incurred for support in obtaining documents from government and municipal offices on behalf of the applicant and for re-application in the event of rejection.
注意事項及び適用条件 Notes and conditions of application:
- すでに就労可能なビザをお持ちの場合、転職の場合は、ご依頼いただけますが、キャンペーン価格対象外となります。
- 就職活動ビザ(在留資格「特定活動」)をお持ちの場合は、対象となります。
- 「高度専門職1号イ」または「高度専門職1号ロ」への申請が対象となります。「高度専門職1号ハ」への申請は対象外です。
- 内定通知書及び内定会社が提供する書類、並びにご自身の経歴書類は、留学生の方自身で、取得していただく必要があります。
- 出入国在留管理局に対し、事前に確認が必要な案件、再申請案件、在留状況不良が疑われる案件、新設法人など特殊な事案については、ご依頼いただけますが、キャンペーン価格対象外となります。
- 卒業証書(英文・中文)の翻訳は価格に含まれますが、それ以外の文書の翻訳は別途追加費用が掛かる場合があります。
- 本キャンペーン価格適用時は、着手・成功報酬の2回に分けた支払いは適用されません。総額を着手時にお支払いいただきます。
- 申請人自身が、当事務所にお越しいただくか、テレビ電話等により、行政書士による面談が必要となります。
- If you already have a visa enabling you to work in Japan, however you can request a HSP visa application service, but it is NOT eligible for the campaign price.
- If you have a “Designated Activities” visa for job hunting, you are eligible.
- Applications to ‘Highly Skilled Professional (i)(a)’ or ‘Highly Skilled Professional (i)(b)’ are eligible. Applications to ‘Highly Skilled Professional (i)(c)’ are not eligible.
- Foreign students are required to obtain the letter of offer, documents provided by the company offering the job and their own personal documents.
- Special cases such as cases requiring prior confirmation with the Immigration Bureau, re-application cases, cases where there is a suspicion of poor residence status, such as poor grades, poor academic performance and special cases such as newly established corporations can be requested, but are not subject to the campaign price.
- Translation of diplomas (English and Chinese) is included in the price, but translation of other documents may incur additional costs.
- When this campaign price is applied, the two separate payments for initiation and contingency fee do not apply. The total amount must be paid at the time of commencement.
- The applicant himself/herself needs to visit our office or be interviewed by a Gyoseishoshi Lawyer via videoconference, etc.
Please take advantage of this opportunity to apply for a HSP visa.
- 如果您已经持有在日本工作的签证,您可以申请” 高度専門職(高度人材)”签证申请服务,但不享受活动价格。
- 如果您持有用于求职的 “特定活動”签证,则符合条件。
- 「高度専門職1号イ」或 「高度専門職1号ロ」的申请符合条件。 「高度専門職1号ハ」的申请不符合条件。
- 留学生需要获得录用通知书、提供工作的公司提供的文件以及本人的文件。
- 需要事先向入管局确认的情况、重新申请的情况、成绩差、出勤不够等怀疑在留资格不佳的情况、或者新设立法人等特殊情况可以申请,但不在活动价目表的范围内。
- 毕业证/学位证(英文和中文)的翻译费用已包含在价格内,但其他文件的翻译可能需要额外费用。
- 采用此活动价格时,不适用首付金和成功报酬金这两笔费用的支付方式。必须在契约时支付全部费用。
- 申请者本人需要访问行政書士横山国際法務事務所的办公室,或通过视频会议等方式接受行政書士的面谈。
请您利用这次机会申请 “高度専門職”(高度人材) 签证。
Benefits of choosing our office
Our office caters to the needs of our clients and has applied for and received many HSP visa. When you want to transfer from a head office to a branch office in Japan, when you want to invite talented people from abroad, or when you want to change from a student visa to a HSP visa, when you want to change jobs, etc., you are welcome to consult us in all cases.
What is the content of the HSP visa consulting service of Yokoyama Office?
- 中国語・英語で対応します。
- お客様の個人状況に応じて、専門的な評価とコンサルティングサービスを提供します。
- 入管法及び政策を確認し、お客様の申請書類を整理します。
- 高度人材の資格があることを証明するための補足説明書(法的な意見書)を準備します。
- 申請書、添付資料、申請書類リストを作成します。
- お客様に代わって、日本全国各地の入管局に申請を提出します。(お客様は、同行する必要はありません。)
- 行政書士が、入管局の審査官からの質問や通知に応対します。
- 審査の進行状況を継続的に確認します。
- 在留カード又は在留資格認定証明書を代わりに受け取ります。
- 配偶者及び子供の家族ビザの申請も同時にサポートします。
- 在留期限の更新申請のサポートも行います。
- 日本での滞在期間及び一定の条件が整いましたら、日本の永住許可申請もサポートします。
- services available in English or Chinese,
- provides professional assessment and consultation services according to your personal situation,
- review and organize your documents according to the laws and policies of the immigration of Japan,
- create your own legal opinion letter to prove that you are qualified as HSP foreigner,
- prepare all necessary application documents, attachments and filing lists for you,
- submitting your application to immigration offices throughout Japan (you do not need to be present),
- respond to all inquiries and reports from the Immigration Bureau in the name of the immigration lawyer,
- keep you updated on the progress of your application,
- pick up your Residence Card or COE (Certificate of Eligibility) and return it to you,
- we can assist you in applying for a accompanied visa for your spouse and dependent children to come to Japan (family reunion),
- help you apply for extension of visa to continue working in Japan,
- assist you in applying for permanent residence in Japan (green card), if you have lived in Japan continuously for a certain number of years.

補足説明書 A legal oppinion letter made by our Gyoseishoshi lawyer
Contact us! まずは、ご相談ください
首先,請電話 +81-(0)3-6264-9388 聯絡或者在我們的網路上留言諮詢
Please contact us by phone or through our enquiry page.
Firstly, please contact us at +81-(0)3-6264-9388 or leave a message on our website.
Line ID: visa_yokoyama