Overview of the Trusted Traveller Programme (TTP)

1. objectives of the programme

The Trusted Traveller Programme (TTP) is a programme to assist foreigners who are staying in Japan for a short period of time for business, tourism, visiting relatives, etc. to enter the country quickly. Trusted travellers who meet certain conditions are issued with a specific registered person card by the Director General of the Immigration Bureau, which enables them to use the automated gate.

TTP Card (特定登録者カード)


2. benefits

TTP users can use the automated gate with a specific registered person card and complete immigration procedures quickly, without the need for face-to-face checks with immigration inspectors.

3. user registration requirements

TTP user registration is subject to the following requirements:

  • Users under the US-Japan Bilateral Travel Facilitation Initiative (Category A)
  • Officers or full-time employees of public or private institutions in Japan (categories B and C)
  • Tourists with sufficient financial credit (Category D)
  • Family members of persons falling under category B or D (category E)

Common requirements:

All of the following requirements must be met

The applicant must intend to stay in Japan for a short period of time for the purpose of business, tourism, visiting relatives, etc. on re-entry to Japan.
The applicant must have entered Japan at least one of the following (a) or (b) times within one year prior to the date of appearance at the designated registration place in Japan for registration as a prospective user (entry at the time of appearance is also included in the number of times).
  • (a) Business persons and family members : 1 time.
  • (b) JTTP and tourists : 2 times.
Have not been deported from Japan or left Japan under an order to leave in the past.
Possess a passport (see note) for which Japan has visa exemption measures in accordance with laws and regulations, international commitments or notification given by the Government of Japan to foreign governments.

(Note: Countries and regions that issue passports that are designated by the Director General of the Immigration and Immigration Agency by public notice as eligible for the Trusted Traveller Programme (TTP) are as follows; (some passports issued by the countries and regions listed below may not be eligible)

Iceland, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Andorra, Israel, Italy, Indonesia, Uruguay, United Kingdom, Estonia, El Salvador, Australia, Austria, Netherlands, Qatar, Canada, South Korea, North Macedonia, Cyprus, Greece, Guatemala Croatia, Costa Rica, San Marino, Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Suriname, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Thailand, Czech Republic, Tunisia, Chile, Denmark, Germany, Dominican Republic, Turkey, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Bahamas, Barbados Hungary, Finland, Brazil, France, Bulgaria, Brunei, USA, Belgium, Poland, Portugal, Honduras, Malta, Malaysia, Mexico, Mauritius, Mauritius, Monaco, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Romania, Luxembourg, Lesotho, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau.

Have not been sentenced to a fine or worse in or outside the country.
There are no circumstances that are deemed particularly unsuitable for the fair control of immigration and emigration.
That you have provided personal identification information by electromagnetic means.
That you do not fall under any of the grounds for refusal of landing at the time of said registration.

4. registration procedures

The registration procedure is divided into two stages

Primary assessment: online application via the Internet or in person at a designated registration point at the airport.

Secondary screening: after passing the initial screening, the applicant is screened at the designated registration point after normal immigration clearance at the airport in Japan. Personal identification information (fingerprints and photograph) must be provided and original documents submitted.

5. other precautions

Not available if it is impossible to provide fingerprints or operate the machine.

The validity period is three years from the date of card issuance or until the expiry date of the passport.

The TTP provides reliable travellers with fast and convenient entry procedures to support business and tourism.