Apply J-Find visa with your Brazilian passport
Japan Job Seeker Visa 2023
Holders of Brazilian passports will be able to enter Japan without a visa. Please refer to the following information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Visa Waiver Measure for nationals of the Federative Republic of Brazil
August 10, 2023
From September 30, 2023, the Government of Japan will introduce Visa Waiver Measure for nationals of the Federative Republic of Brazil in possession of ordinary IC passport who wish to enter Japan for a period not exceeding consecutive 90 days for short-term stay. This measure is based on the announcement by Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, at a summit talk with H.E. Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil held in May 20, 2023.
The Government of Brazil will continue visa waiver measure for Japanese nationals so that Japanese and Brazilian citizens will be able to visit mutually without obtaining visas from September 30, 2023.
In celebration of 115th anniversary of Japanese immigration to Brazil, the Visa Waiver Measure by both Japan and Brazil will contribute to further development of human, cultural and business exchange as well as revitalization of tourism.
In other words, you can apply for a J-Find visa after entering Japan visa-free with your Brazilian passport.
What is a J-Find visa? This visa allows you to look for work in Japan for up to two years. For more information, please see the link below.
J-Find & J-Skip: Japan’s New Visas for Elite Global Professionals – A Comprehensive Guide
The application process for a J-Find visa is as follows;
You enter Japan on a tourist visa or other short-stay temporary visa (短期滞在), meet with me to confirm your status, and we, our firm will submit the application to the Immigration Bureau on your behalf. You do not need to stay in Japan until the result of the examination. After you return to your home country, we will negotiate with the examiner and mail the COE (Certificate of eligibility) to you in your home country after it is approved.
Note that it is not permitted to change directly from a “Temporary Visitor” (short-stay visa, or Visa Waiver scheme) to a J-Find visa. You have to always apply for a COE before obtaining a J-Find visa.
Our advantage
With the new J-FIND visa policy coming into effect on 24 April 2023, YOKOYAMA LEGAL SERVICE OFFICE already has several successful cases of COE approvals coming down. We highly recommend that your important application is made by an experienced professional legal adviser. In particular, when you are applying for this visa, I recommend you to ask your immigration adviser whether they have applied for J-FIND visas before, how many applications they have applied and what their success rate is.
We also provide assistance if you are unable to come to Japan and apply for a J-Find visa CoE, directly to the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country. Our lawyers will review all your documents and prepare a legal opinion.

J-Find visa COE (Designated Activities No. 51)
Reference page
- Yokoyama Legal Service Office
- What is the Japan’s new policy “J-Skip” Visa?
- J-Find Visa (Future Creation Individual Visa) FAQ
- What is the Japanese “Highly Skilled Professional” (HSP) Visa?
- Extension of the Valid Period on the Residence Card for Permanent Resident (PR)
- Family reunion (Dependent visa in Japan)
- Highly Skilled Professinal (HSP) Visa FAQ
- Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals Point Calculation Table (i)(b)
- Japan’s COE (Certificate of Eligibility) Digitalization
- Overview of Japan Business Manager Visa
- Permanent Residence — “Eiju” Green Card in Japan
- Remedies for Japan Residents (Expiration of Re-entry Permit)
- Stepchild’s Visa (Child of the former spouse)
- Visa Loophole to Work in Japan as a Freelancer
- What is the expansion of NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account) system?
- J-Find & J-Skip: Japan’s New Visas for Elite Global Professionals – A Comprehensive Guide
- J-Find Visa FAQ (Future Creation Individual Visa)
- Apply J-Find visa with your Brazilian passport
- Complete Guide: Change of status from Temporary Visitor (Tourist) Visa to Spouse Visa and Other Visas
- Navigating Visa Transitions in Japan: Special Considerations for Working Holiday Participants
- J-Find Visa 日本政府推出新制度以吸引全球顶尖人才(毕业生)
- Solicite o visto J-Find com seu passaporte brasileiro
Other Question?
Please feel free to contact us for advice!
First, please call +81-3-6264-9388 or leave a message on our website with your inquiry. (Please contact us by phone or consultation page.)
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