
For international students who have decided to proceed to graduate school after graduating from university and whose enrollment period falls after the expiration of their current “Student” residency status, the graduate school of their choice will communicate with them at regular intervals. If enrollment is canceled, they must promptly contact the regional immigration bureau. Upon making this commitment, a change in residency status to “Desiginated activities” is permitted, allowing them to stay until enrollment (however, limited to a period not exceeding one year after university graduation).

对于大学毕业后决定继续攻读大学院的留学生,如果其入学期限在目前的 “留学” 在留资格之期限到期之后,其选择的大学院将定期与留学生们联系。如果取消入学,大学院必须及时与地区入国管理局联系。在作出这一承诺后,可将在留资格变更为 “特定活动”,允许留学生们居留至入学(但仅限于大学毕业后一年以内)。

Eligible Individuals for this Measure

This measure applies to foreigners who have graduated (or completed) from a university (including graduate schools) under Japanese school education law with a “Student” residency status. However, it excludes preparatory students, auditors, subject students, and researchers. These individuals, intending to stay in Japan while waiting to enroll in a graduate school where they have been admitted (limited to within one year after university graduation), are referred to as “study-awaiting students.”

该措施适用于根据日本学校教育法从大学(包括大学院)毕业(或修了)并取得 “留学 “在留资格的外国人。但是,预科生、旁听生、科目履修生和研究生除外。这些人在等待被录取的大学院入学期间(以大学毕业后一年内为限)打算在日本逗留,被称为 “進学待機者”。

Required Documents for Submission

  1. Document proving the ability to cover all expenses while residing.
  2. If someone other than the foreigner is covering the expenses, a document proving that person’s ability to pay and a document explaining the circumstances leading to them covering the costs are required.
  3. Graduation (or completion) certificate or proof of graduation (or completion) from the last attended university.
  4. Document issued by the intended graduate school confirming the fact of planned enrollment and the enrollment date (such as an admission letter).
  5. Pledge letter stating the intended graduate school’s commitment to regularly communicate with study-awaiting students, among other things.

Note: For the above (4), the submission of an attached pledge letter is considered as meeting this requirement.

  1. 证明有能力支付居住日本期间所有费用的文件。
  2. 如果由外国人以外的其他人承担费用,则需要提供证明该人支付能力的文件以及解释导致其承担费用的情况的文件。
  3. 最后就读大学的毕业(或修了)证书或毕业(或修了)证明。
  4. 希望就读的大学院出具的证明文件,确认计划就读的事实和就读日期(如入学通知书)。
  5. 希望就读的大学院出具的《承诺书》(看上图),承诺定期与希望就读的学生进行交流等。



Other Question?

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