Yokoyama Legal Service office has been received the comments & feedback from our client.

当事務所で高度専門職ビザ申請(Highly Skilled Professional Visa)の申請をお手伝いした、H.Cさまからお喜びの声をいただきました!



1. What kind of service did you order?

Visa Change (Change of Status)

(Name: Highly Skilled Professional (i)(b))


2. Please rate your satisfaction.

Very well

↓ If possible, please let us know the reason for the above.

  1. Kind service
  2. Cheap price
  3. No need to go to Tokyo again.


3. What was the main reason for choosing our office?

  1. Lots of successful comments or opinions were shown, which make me sure to entrust.
  2. Good location office.


4. If you have any other comments or opinions that you can share with us, please describe in below form.

The office was difficult to find.


H.C さま より
