Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals Point Calculation Table

The Highly Skilled Professional Point System was established from the viewpoint that it is important to attract and retain excellent human resources to Japan in order to further revitalise the Japanese economy and increase its competitiveness in the face of intensifying international competition for human resources.

There is another type of visa, called “J-Skip”, for more information on J-Skip visa, please refer to: What is the Japan’s new policy “J-Skip” Visa?

Under the points-based system below, foreign nationals who are deemed to be “Highly Skilled Foreign Professionals” (HSP) persons will receive preferential treatment for long term residency in Japan. Learn more about Permanent Residency in Japan, please refer to “Benefits of Permanent Residency in Japan“.

The requirements and points are different for each of the three categories: “Advanced Academic Research Activity”, “Advanced Specialized/Technical Activity” and “Advanced Business Management Activity”. First of all, you need to determine which type you are.

Here we expain the “Advanced specialized/technical activities” – Highly Skilled Professional (i) (b) type, whose activities being performed through a contract with a public or private organization in Japan which require specialized skills or knowledge in natural sciences or humanities.

Advanced Specialized/Technical ActivityAdvanced Specialized/Technical Activity(高度専門職1号ロ)

Academit Background (Max. 30 points only)

The most recent educational qualification will apply (for example, 30 points if the foreign national has both a master’s and a doctor’s degree).

Holder of a doctor’s degree (excluding professional degrees)30
Holder of a professional degree relating to business management (MBA, MOT) .25
Holder of a master’s degree (including professional degrees)20
Holder of a bachelor’s degree or acquisition of an education equivalent thereto(excludingholders of a doctor’s or master’s degree)10
Holder of doctor’s degrees, master’s degrees or professional degrees in multiple areas*5

* Regardless of the combination of degrees, materials which show the degrees were for different majors should be submitted. (Please submit an academic transcript if the differences in the majors cannot be confirmed through the diploma ordegree certificate.)

Final degree (e.g. if you have TWO degrees, a doctorate and a bachelor’s degree, only a doctorate will count for 30 points)

Required documents: graduation certificate and proof of degree

Note: If you wish to add more than one degree (doctoral or bachelor’s degree with more than two fields of study or vocational degree), you must be able to provide information to prove that you are specialising in different fields of study.

Professional Career (Max. 20 points only)

Work experience related to the business in which the applicant intends to engage.

10 years or more20
7 years or more15
5 years or more10
3 years or more5

Only work experience that is the same job description of the work to be performed in the company in Japan.

Work experience outside of Japan (overseas) may also be counted.

Required documents: Documents proving the content and duration of the business in which the senior human resources specialist is engaged (issued by the organization to which you belong)

Annual Salary (Max. 15 points only)

Note. An annual salary of more than 3 million yen is required, even if you have enough points.

Aged 30 years or below30 to 34 years35 to 39 years40 years or abovePoints
10 million yen or more10 million yen or more10 million yen or more10 million yen or more40
9 to 10 million yen9 to 10 million yen9 to 10 million yen9 to 10 million yen35
8 to 9 million yen8 to 9 million yen8 to 9 million yen8 to 9 million yen30
7 to 8 million yen7 to 8 million yen7 to 8 million yenN/A25
6 to 7 million yen6 to 7 million yen6 to 7 million yenN/A20
5 to 6 million yen5 to 6 million yenN/AN/A15
4 to 5 million yenN/AN/AN/A10

Required documents: Proof of Previsional annual income (annual remuneration received by contracted organisations and foreign affiliated organisations)

When applying for “Advanced Business Management Activity” or “Advanced Specialized/Technical Activity”, you must have a predetermined annual income of at least 3 million yen.

When applying for “Advanced Academic Research Activity”, the minimum annual income is not required (if you wish to apply for permanent residence in the future, the income standard is required).

Proof of annual income (annual remuneration received by contracted organisations and foreign affiliated organisations) refers not to the income received when you were previously resident or employed.

If you are transferred from an overseas organisation to a branch office in Japan as an expat, the amount of annual income received at that overseas organisation will be counted.

Age (Max. 15 points only)

Age at the time of the filing of the application.

Up to 29 years of age15
Between 30 and 34 years of age10
Between 35 and 39 years of age5

Research achievements (Max. 15 points only)

1) Have made at least one patented invention15
2) Have conducted projects financed by a competitive fund, etc. by a foreign national government at least three times15
3) Have published at least three papers in academic journals listed in the academic journal database

*limited to those for which the applicant is the corresponding author.

4) Have made other research achievements recognized by Japan’s Minister of Justice15
1. Research achievements (patented invension)

Required information: It is possible to provide documentary evidence of having more than one invention as an inventor and having obtained a licence (e.g.; a copy of a patent certificate with the applicant’s name clearly written on it).

2. Research achievements (competitive fund)

Required information: You may provide documentation that you have received more than three government grants prior to entering the country to compete for funds to conduct research.

3. Research achievements (papers)

Required documents: 3 or more papers that have been published in academic journals in the academic papers database. The applicant must be the responsible author. A database of academic papers is a private company that collects information on academic papers by scholars on a global scale and provides a service. Specifically, Thomson Reuters (head office in Canada) and Elsevier (head office in the Netherlands) provide Scopus databases of academic papers.

License (Max. 10 points only)

Either have a national license of Japan (a license that authorizes you to conduct the relevant operation or use the relevant name), or have passed an examination or have a license listed inthe relevant IT notification;

  • have just one
  • have more than one

Regarding to the license listed inthe relevant IT notification, please refer to the following act.


Special additions – Contracting organizations (Max. 30 points only)

Work for an organization which receives financial support measures (measuresprovided for separately in a public notice) for the promotion of innovation10
The organization is a company that comes under I, and constitutes a small or medium-sized enterprise under the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Basic Act10
Work for an organization which receives support as a target organization of the Project to Promote Acceptance of Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals in NationalStrategic Special Zones10

Please check with your employer’s company in advance to see if it is an “financial support measures for the promotion of inovation company”. A common example is the Management Innovation Plan” (Keiei Kakushin keikaku) recognized by prefecture govenment, under the “Small and Medium-sized Businesses and Other Management Enhancement Act” (many small and medium-sized businesses are recognized. If  your employer has a valid “Notice of Recognition of Management Innovation Plan”, 10 points will be added. And if it is considered a “small or medium-sized enterprise”, 10 more points will be added to become the 20 points total. This should be a very significant bonus.

And the recognition of research and development business plans under the “Act on the Promotion of Asian Bases” (Special Measures for the Promotion of Research and Development Businesses by Specified Multi-national Companies). In addition, points can be awarded to companies that are currently the target of the “National Strategic Special Zone for the Promotion of the Admission of Highly Qualified Foreign Manpower”.

Special additions – Other (Max. 45 points only)

1. The applicant’s organization is a small or medium-sized enterprise under the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Basic Act and its total experiment and research costs and development costs exceed 3% of the amount remaining after deducting the amount of revenue from the transfer of fixed assets or securities from the total revenue (total sales)5
2. Holders of foreign work-related qualifications,awards, etc., recognized by Japan’s Minister of Justice5
3. Either graduated from a Japanese university or completed a course of a Japanese graduate school10
4. Work on an advanced project in a growth field with the involvement of the relevant ministries and agencies10
5. Have completed training conducted by JICA as part of the Innovative Asia Project implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.5
6. Engaged in work related to Investment Management Business, etc.10

Applies to persons who have complotted training of one year or more implemented by JICA as part of the InnovativeAsia Project. If the foreign national submits JICA’s certificate of completion of training, in principle, materials proving theacademic background and employment history, etc. need not be submitted, but in cases of seeking additional points for “Professional Carrer”, additional materials of proof are required. When participating in training conducted using the classes of a university or graduate school in Japan, points will not be added in duplicate with (#3)”Graduated from a university or completed a course of a graduate school in Japan”.

Experiment and research costs and development costs

Required documents: Documents certifying that the total amount of research and development expenses exceeds 3% of the total income of the year preceding the year in which the application is made (or the year preceding if the application is submitted within 2 months after the previous business year), after deducting the amount of proceeds from the transfer of fixed assets or securities, if the contracting authority is a small or medium-sized enterprise as defined in the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Basic Law.

Financial statements documenting experimental research fees and turnover.

Photocopies of public documents (financial statements, retention of the declaration), photocopies of the books of account (with highlighter marks for research expenses) and a detailed list of research expenses.

Certificates issued by tax accountants, certified public accountants and SME diagnosticians (no specific format).

Investment Management Business

Required documents:

  • A copy of the registration letter (business license) of the affiliated company for “Second Financial Instruments Acquisition Business”, “Investment Assistance/Agent Business” or “Investment Use Business”
  • A statement of the applicant’s intention to engage in such business

Special additions – Japanese language proficiency (Max. 15 points only)

These points will not be added in duplicate each.

I) Either graduated from a foreign university with a major in Japanese-language, or havepassed the N1 level of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test or its equivalent.15
II) Have passed the N2 level of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test or its equivalent

*Excluding those who “graduated from a university or completed a course of agraduate school in Japan”(Special additions – Other), and those who come under I.


Special additions – Have Graduated from one of the following universities (Max. 10 points only)

Points may be awarded in duplicate together with “Graduated from a university or completed a course of graduateschool in Japan”. However, these following points will not be added in duplicate each.

Please see here for a list of universities that award points.

I) Foreign universities ranked in the top 300 in at least two of the following universityrankings or Japanese universities ranked in one of them

□ QS World University Rankings (QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited (UK))

□ THE World University Rankings (Times (UK))

□ Academic Ranking of World Universities (of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China))

II) Universities receiving subsidies through the Top Global Universities Projectimplemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology10
III) Universities designated as “partner schools” in the Innovative Asia Project implementedby the Ministry of Foreign Affairs10

What is the content of the HSP visa consulting service of Yokoyama Office?

  • services available in English or Chinese,
  • provides professional assessment and consultation services according to your personal situation,
  • review and organize your documents according to the laws and policies of the immigration of Japan,
  • create your own legal opinion letter to prove that you are qualified as HSP foreigner,
  • prepare all necessary application documentsattachments and filing lists for you,
  • submitting your application to immigration offices throughout Japan (you do not need to be present),
  • respond to all inquiries and reports from the Immigration Bureau in the name of the immigration lawyer,
  • keep you updated on the progress of your application,
  • pick up your Residence Card or COE (Certificate of Eligibility) and return it to you,
  • we can assist you in applying for a accompanied visa for your spouse and dependent children to come to Japan (family reunion),
  • help you apply for extension of visa to continue working in Japan,
  • assist you in applying for permanent residence in Japan (green card), if you have lived in Japan continuously for a certain number of years.


Other Question?

Please feel free to contact us for advice!

First, please call +81-3-6264-9388 or leave a message on our website with your inquiry. (Please contact us by phone or consultation page.)

TEL: +81-3-6264-9388

WeChat: visa_hengshan

Line ID: visa_yokoyama

Email: info@lawoffice-yokoyama.com


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