
We have listed some of the most common questions we receive at our office. We will also answer any other questions you may have via email or chat, so please feel free to ask.

当事務所のサービスについて About our services

Is consultation free of charge?
No. We do charge for consultations with our Gyoseishoshi Lawyer. For individual consultations at our office, the fee is 11,000 yen (including VAT) for up to 60 minutes. After the contract is signed, the consultation fee will be deducted, so the service is provided for effectively 0 yen. So please feel free to consult with us! We also accept on-site visits, but there may be additional fees and transportation costs. We also accept online consultations (however, online consultations are limited to 30 minutes).
Do I need an appointment for consultations or requests?
Yes. Whether you come to our office or consult online, all consultations are by appointment only. Please make an appointment by email, phone, WeChat, Line, etc. Please note that we cannot respond to visits without an appointment.
What areas do you cover?
We can handle applications from all over Japan. Although our main area of jurisdiction is the area covered by the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, since the online immigration system was expanded in 2022, we can also handle applications from the Sendai, Yokohama, Nagoya, Sapporo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Takamatsu, Fukuoka, Naha, etc. There is no travel fee (there are some types of application that cannot be made online, such as permanent residence applications).
We can also handle third-country visas such as Australia, US and UK visas throughout Japan. Although our office is located in Tokyo, we receive many requests from clients living in Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Ibaraki, Shizuoka, Aichi, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka prefectures.
When should I make payment?

In the case of Japan immigration services, there are two payment periods.

    • ご依頼時:報酬金の半額をお支払いください。また、収入印紙代など実費もお預かりします。
    • At the time of request: Please pay half of the fee. We will also collect the actual expenses, such as revenue stamp fees.
    • 結果受領後:報酬金の残額をお支払いください。
    • After receiving the results: Please pay the remaining amount of the reward money.


For third-country visas such as Australian, American, and British visas, the full fee is paid at the start of the project. We do not use a contingency fee system.

I plan to apply myself. Can I just get advice?
During the personal consultation, we will guide you so that you can handle it yourself, so we also welcome requests for consultations only.
We also accept requests for writing letters of explanation only.
I don’t speak Japanese. Is that a problem?
We can respond in Chinese and English.
For other languages, we are unable to respond, so please bring someone who can speak Japanese.
I can’t make time during the week, but is it possible to do it on weekends and holidays?
On Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays or at night, we can only respond online. Please feel free to contact us.
I’m going by car, is there a parking lot?
If you are coming by car, please use the nearby paid parking.
Can you apply for a visa on behalf of someone living abroad?
外国にいる方を呼び寄せる場合、行政書士は、在留資格認定証明書(Certificate of Eligibility)の申請を対応します。その後、申請者ご本人が、その国にある日本大使館等に出向き、ご自身で申請していただく必要があります。
If you are inviting the applicant from abroad to come to Japan, our Gyoseishoshi Lawyer will handle the application for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). After that, the applicant will need to go to the Japanese embassy in his/her country and apply for the COE in person.
On the other hand, if the person is already in Japan, our Gyoseishoshi Lawyer will handle everything from the application to the receipt of the Residence Card. The applicant will not need to go to the immigration office and wait in line.
My family is back in his/her home country for a while and he/she is not in Japan. Does he/she have to go to Japan when he/she renew his/her visa?
When renewing the applicant’s visa, he/she will need to be in Japan at both the time of application submission and the time of receiving the results.
Our Gyoseishosi Lawyer will go to the immigration office to submit the application and receive the results on his/her behalf, but he/she will need to take his/her residence card. Our Gyoseishosi Lawyer will need to meet with the applicant in Japan and take these documents from him/her. If your family member is applying to renew their visa, they will need to return to Japan before the expiry date.
Which visa applies to me? There are so many types of visa, I don’t know which one to choose.
The type of visa you will need will depend on your circumstances and the purpose of your stay in Japan. Our Gyoseishoshi Lawyer will listen to your story and make a decision. Please feel free to contact us.
What are the chances of my visa being approved?
While the Gyoseishoshi Lawyer cannot make a definitive statement about whether or not permission will be granted, we can make a judgment about the likelihood of permission being granted based on our extensive experience to date and trends in the Immigration Bureau’s screening criteria. In principle, we do not accept cases where we judge the likelihood of permission to be less than 50%.
When can I apply to renew my visa (residence status)?
The Immigration Bureau will accept applications from “approximately three months before” the expiration date of your period of stay. If you apply too early, you will need to provide special reasons and a written statement. Please contact us for more details.
Do I need to leave my passport and residence card with you while I am applying for a visa (residence status)?
In principle, we have introduced online applications, so we do not need to take your passport and residence card. After checking the originals, we will make a copy and return them to you on the spot. After permission is granted, you will need to hand over your residence card (in order to exchange it for a new card).
However, in the case of permanent residence permit applications and other special applications, we may need to temporarily take your passport and residence card.
How long will it take?
入管の審査期間については、一概には言えませんが、ビザ変更や延長(更新)の場合、2週間から1カ月となっていますが、場合によっては2,3カ月以上かかるケースもあります。外国からの呼び寄せ(Certificate of Eligibilityの申請)の場合は、1~3カ月かかります(2025年現在、東京入管での審査期間は大幅に延びております)。
Once we have all the documents you need to prepare, we will apply to the Immigration Bureau within about a week.
It is difficult to say exactly how long the Immigration Bureau will take to process your application, but in the case of visa changes or extensions (renewals), it usually takes between two weeks and one month, but in some cases it can take two or three months or longer. In the case of applications for a Certificate of Eligibility for those being invited from overseas, it takes between one and three months (as of 2025, the processing time at the Tokyo Immigration Bureau has increased significantly).
What happens if it is not approved?
We will accompany you to the Immigration Bureau to hear the reasons for the refusal. After that, we will follow up on your re-application.
However, if the application is refused due to false statements or forged documents, we will immediately cancel the contract.

よくあるケースについて Common cases

My visa expires tomorrow. What should I do?
In order to avoid overstaying, you will need to go to the Immigration Bureau immediately and consult with them.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have all the necessary documents with you. In some cases, it is possible to be accompanied by our Gyoseishoshi lawyer, so please call and consult with them as soon as possible.
I am working in Japan on a work visa. I heard that it was easy to bring my family over, so I applied to the Immigration Bureau myself, but even after three months, I still haven’t received permission. Is there a problem?
It may simply be that there are a lot of applications and it is taking time, or there may be points in the application or documents that are unclear or seem strange. If you can show us the application documents you submitted to the Immigration Bureau, our Gyoseishoshi lawyer will be able to understand some of the issues, so we would like to hear from you. If necessary, we recommend that you voluntarily submit additional supplementary documents.
I suddenly received a notice from the Immigration Bureau, which said that I had to appear in person to have my residency status revoked. Will I be deported? What should I do?
If it is discovered that your visa was obtained by deception or dishonest means, your visa (resident status) will be revoked and immediate deportation procedures will be taken. If you fall under the requirements for revocation of your status of residence for other reasons, even if your status of residence is revoked, you will be given a grace period to prepare to leave Japan. You will not be deported immediately after appearing at the Immigration Bureau. When being questioned by an Immigration Bureau examiner, you can state your opinions and submit evidence. If the misunderstanding is cleared up, there are cases where the revocation is not carried out. First, please consult with us before the date of your appearance. Let’s think about countermeasures together.
I’m a foreign student, but I’ve been working part-time at a convenience store. After graduating from university, I’d like to get a job at this convenience store, but I know that I won’t be able to get a visa for a job at a convenience store, right?
Unfortunately, a work visa will not be granted for a job that mainly involves working at a convenience store as a cashier. However, this does not mean that you will never be able to find work at a convenience store, and depending on the actual work content and workload, there is a possibility that you will be granted a visa. For example, the following case is listed as a case of permission published by the Immigration Bureau.
A foreign student who graduated from a Japanese Senmon-Gakko school and been awarded the title of “Senmonshi“ diploma studied law, marketing, accounting, etc. at the law and business department of the school, and was employed as an assistant store manager at a convenience store. The career step plan is for the student to acquire the knowledge necessary for management work while performing the actual work of the store as part of their practical training at the beginning of their employment, and to attend on-the-job training provided by the convenience store owner and training provided by the franchise headquarters, etc., and to become a store manager roughly one year after their employment and to engage in work related to marketing and the operation and management of the store.
The same applies to working in restaurants or stores. Our Gyoseishoshi lawyer will ask you about the details of your work content and workload, and will judge the possibilities.
My husband is Japanese and we are currently living overseas, but we have decided to return to Japan. Can I apply for a spouse visa even before my husband returns?
Your whole family can come back to Japan together. Normally, a visa is applied for by a Japanese husband or wife in Japan inviting their overseas spouse to come to Japan, but even if the Japanese spouse is not in Japan, it is possible to apply for a visa to invite the spouse to Japan by using a Japanese relative living in Japan as an application signer. There is no need for the Japanese spouse to return to Japan to apply for the visa. For more information, please click here.
I came to Japan with my parents when I was little, but I don’t have a degree, so I can’t change my visa to a work visa. Is it possible to change my visa to one that allows me to work?
If you have graduated from a Japanese high school and your level of integration is recognized, there is a possibility that you can change your visa to “Long Term Resident” visa that allows you to work.
Where do I apply for a visa?
The window for visa (residence status) applications is the regional immigration office that has jurisdiction over your address.
I’m going to apply today, but is the immigration office busy?
You can find out how busy the Tokyo Immigration Bureau is by checking the official X account of the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau. Please refer to this.
In addition, if you request our services, you will not need to go to the Immigration Bureau in person. If you have small children at home or it is difficult for you to go to the Immigration Bureau, please make use of a government-certified Gyoseishoshi lawyer.
I heard that the Immigration Bureau’s screening has recently become stricter. Is that true?
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases of people obtaining visas through illegal means, such as fake marriages and fake recognition, as well as fake employment and fake refugee status. In order to deal with these malicious applications, the Immigration Bureau has also strengthened its screening.
There are cases where people who have been granted permission without any problems in the past are denied when they apply to renew their visa. If you are due to renew your visa next year, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in immigration law in advance to determine whether your extension will be granted without any problems. The requirements for visa extension and renewal are as follows. If it is difficult for you to check these yourself, we can do it for you during your individual consultation. If you do not meet the requirements, please contact us for advice.
    • 日本での活動が在留資格に該当しているか?
    • 法務省令の上陸許可基準に適合しているか?
    • 素行が不良でないか?
    • 独立の生計を営むに足りる資産等を有しているか?
    • 雇用・労働条件が適正か?
    • 納税義務を果たしているか?
    • 入管の届出等の義務を果たしているか?
    • 申請に虚偽がないか?
    • Does your activity in Japan fall under the status of residence?
    • Does it meet the landing permission criteria of the Ministry of Justice?
    • Are you the person of good conduct?
    • Do you have sufficient assets to support themselves?
    • Are your employment and working conditions appropriate?
    • Do you fulfill your tax obligations?
    • Do you fulfill your obligations to the Immigration Bureau, such as notification?
    • Is there any falsehood in your past application?
I was arrested by the police for driving without a license. I was released immediately, but will it affect my visa in the future?
If a foreigner is arrested in Japan, the Immigration Bureau will naturally become aware of the situation. If you are extending or changing your visa, there is a possibility that your visa will be approved if you honestly confess to the incident without hiding anything, explain the circumstances of how you ended up in trouble, and carefully explain how you will make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Click here for questions about Highly Skilled Professionals (HSP)↓
高级人才常见问题(中文版) J-Find Visa FAQ Highly Skilled Professinal (HSP) Visa FAQ

If you have any further questions, please contact us at the following.
